Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Breakfast and 4day Workweeks.

(Photo by Click.Capture)

I never eat breakfast. But now that we are having 7:30-6 days at work it seems like I have been having to force myself to. I have a giant coffee mug that I fill with cooked oatmeal, butter, tons of cinnamon sugar, and almond milk. It has been staving me off until lunch pretty well so far.

I am just hoping that these long days will be worth it once the 3 day weekend rolls around. I already have dreams of laying out in my backyard on fridays with sugary lemony boozy drinks and a book. But all these tornadoes and cloudy oklahoma days are ruining the enjoyment of my spring as of late. Perhaps I should do things around my house this friday that I have been putting off? Nah... I'll probably just take advantage of the cloudyness with a long friday nap.

What do you guys do on long cloudy days?



CACHANILLA73 said...

I curl up with a good book or magazine in my favorite corner, with a nice comfy blanket, a tray with snacks and set the ambiance light, let rain comfort me and doze off.
Enjoy your 3 day weekend. Nice to read you again. ;)

And Kathleen said...

I'm always so jealous of your summer schedule. Though, I suppose I'll get to choose a 4-day work week soon if I want it. :)

I'm with Cachanilla. I like to open the windows and read a book in my favorite nook.

Or grab a cupcake and coffee.

Secondhand Stella said...

Tv, shopping, reading etc. I used to work 4 ten hour days so I could have a 3 day weekend and it was well worth it.

MeganRose said...

I dream of days in my backyard as well! The weather here, and of course work prevents this right now, haha.

Your breakfast looks sooo yummy!

Erin said...

I make blanket tents with Gracie and Kairi or curl up and watch movies. Netflix Instant has been a savior.

angelarenai said...

Great ideas! Last night during the rain I opened the windows in my bedroom and layed out on my fluffy down comforter to read until I passed out. It was nice. :) You guys inspired me.

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